Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Five Favs for a Fabulous 2024!

I'm not a "New Year's resolutions" kind of person.  I just figure I should be working on being the best version of myself all year long.  I think that if dogs could talk, few of them would be resolutions-kind-of-folks either.  I think dogs live in the moment and living in the moment leaves little room for looking too far ahead.  Having said that, however, I do think there are things we can all do to improve our dogs' quality of  life and if starting these off in January helps you to make them habits, then that's awesome!  But truly, starting them at any time works and just adding in any one of them will help improve your dog's life and for that they will be eternally grateful.  So, without further ado, here are my five favorite things you can do for your dog starting right now:

1. Change up their walks. This could mean a new route, walking a shorter or longer period of time, adding in a second (or third!) walk, changing your pace (add in trotting, skipping, uphill/downhill, whatever brings you both joy), adding in more sniff opportunities, or adding in more chances to explore. You can actually do all of these things making their walks more stimulating as they won't know what the day brings when they head out the door with you.

2. Provide an interactive toy everyday. You already know how much I love interactive toys.  They are enriching, brain stimulating, and fun for your dogs. Don't feel like you have to break the budget on this. You can use boxes, paper tubes, egg cartons, muffin tins, and even knotted towels for your interactive puzzle options.  Just remember to rotate them so it's not the same puzzle everyday and make sure you let your dogs solve one puzzle every single day.  You can do this at meal time if that's easier for you, or make this the thing you do midday to keep them happy or in the evening to wind them down.

3.  Groom them every day. You don't have to do it all, but they really should be brushed, combed, or grooming mitted for a few minutes every day. They walk outdoors picking up dirt, debris, and allergens on their coats. Even hypoallergenic dogs can pick up allergens on their coats and bring those allergens indoors to you and your family.  Taking a few minutes to brush, comb, or run a grooming mitt over your dog when they come indoors will help keep their coats shiny, clean, and in good condition.  It will allow you to see if there are any mats you need to address and note any irregularities on their skin.  Dogs who are groomed daily require fewer baths as well which is also better for their skin. And the bottom line is that this is one-on-one time with your dog and they love that!

4.  Give them a dental chew if you can't brush their teeth. Brushing your dog's teeth everyday is the best way to combat tartar buildup in their mouth.  If you have trouble remembering to brush their teeth, keep their toothbrush and toothpaste near yours so you can do their teeth when you do your own before bed.  And if you still forget, make sure you have some Veterinary Oral Health Council approved dental chews on hand to give them.  For a list of the currently approved treats, food, and chews you can choose from, take a look here:

5.  Put them on a long line twice a week. Taking your dog to a park and allowing them to (somewhat) freely explore on a long line means they have more sniffing and exploring options available to them. Using a long line means you can even allow them to explore in parks that are designated as on leash only. Plus, you can work on their recall while you are at it and that's something worth practicing every day.  And did I mention squirrels?  On a long line is the best way to chase squirrels!

So, there you have it, my favorites for a fabulous 2024. Let me know what you are doing to make 2024 even more amazing for your dogs!  And, as always, if you have questions about your pet's behavior, you know where to find me.

Westley goes on a hike once a week with my daughter. She says it's good for her mental health as well as Westley's.  They have lots of great hiking option in the Los Angeles area, so the hikes vary and they both come home quite content!

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