Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Me & My Shadow!

Did you sing the title of this week's blog?  I know I sure did. I grew up listening to Frank Sinatra as he was a favorite of my dad, and that particular song, a duet with Sammy Davis Jr., is a classic...but I digress.  Not the first time, I know!  I chose this for the title of this week's blog because of a question I received from a new client reaching out for advice on her French Bulldog. She was wondering if there was something wrong with her dog, if her dog was anxious, as this sweet dog spent every waking moment following my client around.  She was worried that her dog might have some kind of an attachment disorder (her words exactly!) and she wanted to find out if this was an unhealthy bond and something she should be worried about. This is her first dog and her friends' dogs don't seem nearly as devoted as her little Frenchie.

After collecting a complete history on the dog, I came to the conclusion I'm sure many of you have as well; there's absolutely nothing wrong with this dog!  This dog sleeps in her crate for naps and at night time.  The owner works about 6 hours every day outside the home and the dog just sleeps peacefully in her crate that whole time (she has a camera on the dog, no anxiety noted). The dog is walked twice daily, has plenty of toys, and playdates twice a week.  The reason she follows her owner all around the house is quite simple.  She loves her owner.  She's devoted to her owner.  She sees her owner as the bearer of all wonderful things.  This isn't an attachment disorder, this is a dog who has bonded to her owner in every sense of the word.  

Dogs demonstrate their devotion to us in many ways. They'll hold their gaze with us, something they don't do with each other.  They will bring us their favorite toys.  They will cuddle at our feet or next to us on the couch. If they do something that makes us laugh, they'll repeat the behavior to make us laugh again! They follow us from room to room, perhaps to see if we are going to do something that they might enjoy, but mostly just to be with us. Having a dog means never having to use the bathroom alone again!  Now, certainly, you can shut the door so you can have "alone time," but my question to you is why?  If your dog is perfectly capable of being alone, as this dog had proven when the owner is away at work, then they can choose to be alone when you are home, or they can choose to be with you.  Most dogs choose to be with their people.  That's what over 30,000 years of co-evolution will do for you! Yes, we've created dogs who are dependent on us, but that's kind of the point, isn't it?  Why have a dog if you don't intend to spend time together. And that's the great thing about dogs; quality time to them doesn't require a large expenditure of cash, a week off from work, or a lot of planning.  They are perfectly content to just follow you around as you clean your house, do your laundry, and use the bathroom.  They are delighted to watch you cook and really enjoy sharing popcorn on the couch.  They don't ask for a lot; they just want to be with you.  

My client was relieved to learn that there wasn't anything wrong with her dog.  She said that she secretly enjoyed it, but her friends were making her feel like the dog was too dependent on her.  I laughed at that and told her that her friends just might be a bit jealous.  She's got a wonderful bond with her dog and that's something she can be proud of.  And, yes, I do think it helps that she chose a Frenchie for herself.  That breed is renowned for being cuddly and people-centric, devoted to their owners, and playful without the huge exercise requirement of other similarly-sized dogs. They are the perfect match.

As always, if you have questions about your pet's behavior, you know where to find me.

This is my fur-nephew, Argon.  He's a champion cuddler, total comedian, and best non-collie friend to my pup, Henley. He has brought incredible joy to our family, and yes, he shadows family members wherever they go.  This is him gazing lovingly at his owner....from her pillow!

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