Tuesday, December 24, 2024
On Your Best Behavior
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Survival of the Friendliest
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Kids & Dogs: More Thoughts On Them Both!
I know I spend a lot of time talking about being careful to select a dog whose temperament, exercise requirements, etc. suits your lifestyle, but it's equally important to make sure your lifestyle, and the fact that you have kids or grandkids in your home, fits the dog's needs as well. And, yes, after 30,000 years of co-evolution with dogs we've selected for dogs with temperaments that are suited to family life, that doesn't mean that EVERY dog is suited to family life. For example, it might seem that a little dog like a teacup poodle or chihuahua might be a good choice for kids because they can dress the dog up, push it around in a stroller, and carry it everywhere, but here's the thing. Many of those tiny breed dogs don't actually like being dressed up or picked up all the time. They might tolerate an adult who feeds them doing it, but they might snap at or bite a child for doing the same thing. Those little dogs have a bit less patience with rude human behavior than their larger counterparts. That isn't to say that a Bernese Mountain Dog doesn't have limits with the amount of bad human behavior they are willing to put up with, because I'm certain they do. It's just that that Berner is going to be a bit more forgiving. But a bite is a bite is a bite; if your kids aren't able to respect a dog or cat's boundaries and heed those obvious body language cues, then you aren't ready for a dog or cat in your home, no matter how much everyone says they want one.
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Guilty As Charged!
I met with a new client this week whose initial email message was filled with guilt and regret. Guilt over getting a dog during the pandemic, only to return to working in the office full-time this year, and leaving him home alone five days a week. She regrets getting a dog because now he is having all sorts of behavior problems related to separation anxiety. Her remorse over getting this dog, a dog that she clearly loves deeply, is ultimately leading to issues in anxiety and depression for her as well.
Her feelings are not unique. Many dog owners felt guilty returning to their offices post-pandemic. And a couple of recent studies have shown that pet owner guilt over returning to the workplace closely resembles the guilt felt by parents of young children trying to balance work and home life. Given that 85% of dog owners and 75% of cat owners in the U.S. consider their pets to be family members, this isn't all that surprising.
Here's a quick summary of what dog owners in these two studies felt guilty about: Being away from home/having to go to work; not enough time in the day to pay attention to their dogs; neglecting their dog's physical health (missed walks, trips to the park, etc.); and leaving their dogs alone. Interestingly enough, the two populations in the study who felt the most conflicted with the demands of their jobs versus the demands of dog ownership were men and dog owners younger than 50 years of age. So, how do people compensate for this guilt? Almost half of the study participants skipped out on social events to avoid leaving their dogs home alone and a third of the participants admitted (guiltily!) that they spend time with their dogs at the expense of other, human, family members. While overall the participants tried to remind themselves that their dogs had good lives and that helped them process their guilt better, 40% just felt defeated, and resigned themselves to feeling guilty about having a dog in the first place.
The worst part about all of this is the fact that dog owners with the highest guilt about owning dogs were also the ones with the highest scores for anxiety and depression for themselves. My new client was clearly one of these unfortunate people. Just reminding her that all of her overwhelming anxiety was going to make things worse for her dog, who clearly felt her emotions, reflecting them back to her, was not going to help. We needed an action plan, some things she could easily do to decrease the pressure she felt to be "the perfect dog mom."
I began by telling her that she wasn't alone and giving her those stats I summarized for you up above. I followed this with a few suggestions designed to give her some immediate relief. I helped her reach out to five of her dog-loving friends to form a dog-sitting collective. Two of the women in this collective didn't own dogs themselves because they lived in apartments that didn't allow pets, but they loved dogs and missed the companionship, so we included them. A schedule was devised for the month of December which allowed all of the participants to attend holiday parties, festive events with family and other friends, run errands, and even work outside the home. We couldn't cover every person's workday, but for three of the participants working from home, adding a second dog (all of the dogs in this group were sociable!) wasn't a problem for their workday AND was something they thought their singleton dogs would look forward to...a playmate for the day! For the remaining workdays for my client whose dog was suffering from separation anxiety, we resolved to send her dog to daycare on those days. Just knowing that her friends were in this with her, willing to help, AND giving her an opportunity to help each of them as well, brought immediate relief and a feeling of accomplishment; they could take care of each other and their dogs.
I'm greatly looking forward to this group's progress report at the end of the month. While I know my client will continue to see her own healthcare professionals to treat her anxiety and depression, my hope is that I at least played a small role in reducing her guilt and helping her dog with his separation anxiety. Her dog is lucky to have an owner who loves and cares about him so profoundly. And she's lucky too as he clearly adores her.
As always, if you have questions about your pet's behavior, you know where to find me.
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
Happy Thanksgiving, Paw-Friends!
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
Learning to Entertain Themselves
When my daughter was born years ago, one piece of advice I received time and again from veteran parents was this: Don't spend all of your time entertaining your kids; they need to be able to keep themselves occupied without constant parental engagement. My daughter didn't always make it easy to keep her occupied on her own, but I persevered and then did the same thing with my son. Interestingly enough, that same advice really should be given to every prospective dog owner when they acquire their first dog. While it became a huge problem following COVID lock-down when everyone was no longer stuck inside for days and weeks on end, the problem of over-indulgent dog owners, unwilling or unable to get their dogs to entertain themselves, has persisted. Right now, I average three calls a week from dog owners who are at their wit's end with puppies or dogs who simply cannot entertain themselves. So, what's going on here?
When you bring home a puppy, you need to get them onto a schedule as quickly as you can. That schedule should include non-negotiable naps, in a crate, in a room, away from you. Not only does this encourage quality naps, it also teaches your puppy that it's okay to be away from you. Puppies who take naps alone learn to soothe themselves and also entertain themselves if they wake up before you are there to let them out. If, instead, you let your puppy nap wherever they happen to be, or in a pen in the room where you are, you are not teaching them to be independent; on the contrary, you are teaching them to be wholly dependent on you for even the most basic thing, falling asleep!
Beyond nap time, puppies should spend alone time in an exercise pen or playpen with toys, puzzles, and activities to keep them occupied and mentally stimulated. You should not have to train, play, or entertain your puppy constantly while they are awake. Again, they need to understand that having 100% of their humans' attention isn't a sustainable option. If your puppy fusses in the pen, ignoring those toys and puzzles, move away and out of sight and see if they'll occupy themselves then. Many of them do once they realize the humans aren't going to scoop them up immediately. If your pup continues to fuss in the pen or escalates to barking, pawing at the pen, or trying to climb out, scoop them up, take them outside to toilet and sniff, and then bring them right back to the pen. That way, they learn that fussing doesn't get them anything more than a bathroom break. Schedule one-on-one play time, training time, and leash walks the same way you plan those naps. In between times, your puppies should be entertaining themselves.
For adolescent and adult dogs who don't require enforced naps and playpens, you will still want to encourage and reward them for occupying themselves. Use bones, stuffed Kong toys, lick mats, puzzles, etc. daily to keep them entertained. If they start whining for your attention, shoving on you with their nose or jumping into your lap uninvited, slough them off and ignore them for a minute. Follow that up by redirecting to the activity you gave them to do. You decide when the walks, play time, and adventures happen, not your dog. If you allow your dog to dictate how you spend your day, you will quickly discover that you have no time for yourself and are literally spending your whole day entertaining your canine companion.
I've had a lot of folks try to do what I've outlined above and then come back frustrated saying, "He's just so high energy! He needs me to throw the ball constantly or he'll be tearing up my house!" Now, this is a separate, but related, issue. Dogs need an appropriate balance of physical and mental exercise. Those dogs who are bouncing off of the walls are often the ones not getting enough of either. Train yourself to walk your dog twice a day for at least 45 minutes each walk, focusing on letting them sniff and explore. If they like to play fetch, that's fine, schedule a session of fetch, but not at the expense of a walk. Then, change up the way you feed your dog, opting out of bowl feeding and choosing instead to feed your dog using puzzles or games that make them think before they eat. Dogs are foragers by nature; feeding them in bowls, even slow feeder bowls, isn't much of a challenge. Throwing a cup of kibble out on the grass for them to forage and find their meal? Now, that's a challenge! Don't have a lawn? Fine, just bury the food in a sturdy snuffle mat or snuffle ball to encourage independent foraging.
Finally, it's also often the case that these dogs who can't entertain themselves are also dogs with rather poor manners. This means that your training sessions should focus on more than just sits and downs, but with an eye toward more important life skills like go to your bed/mat; stay; off; and go play, which is basically just a directional command to go entertain themselves. If your dog is having trouble or you are finding it hard to motivate to teach them these manners, sign up for a class! There are some great basic manners and holiday manners classes out there at your disposal. Classes are great for accountability for you AND for your dog.
As I am writing this, Ozzie is sound asleep on the bed in the corner of my office, while Henley is in the window seat, chewing on a bone he found, on his own, at the bottom of his toy basket. He is very good at entertaining himself and you know what? I take full credit for that! I learned what to do (and what not to do!) 25 years ago when my daughter was born!
As always, if you have questions about your pet's behavior, you know where to find me.
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
It's a Matter of Timing
Everything is a matter of timing, right? Researching a new canine or feline family member, locating them, getting on waiting lists, etc., it's all about timing. Everyone wants to get it "just right," which I understand, I really do. And while I do think it's important not to rush to get a new pet as often that means settling for one you might not ordinarily choose, and I also think getting pets during the holidays is a terrible idea, beyond that, I don't really think timing is as big of an issue when it comes to acquiring a new pet. You want to know where I do think timing is a big issue? When offering reinforcement to your pets, whether that reinforcement is positive, negative, or just plain inadvertent, I think timing is everything. Here's why.
We are all products of reinforcement. We're told we'll get a pay bump if we finish a project, add an account, or work more overtime. That pay bump is reinforcement and even though it may not be immediate, we do what it takes to reach that goal. I believe that while humans can perform reasonably well with delayed reinforcement, we, too, prefer quicker payoffs. For our pets, quicker payoffs is always their goal. To tell a dog, "Hey, if you keep performing well in this six week class, I'll take you to the store and let you pick a toy on the last day!" isn't going to guarantee that they do that. In fact, if you don't offer intermittent rewards along the way, in each of those classes, you are likely to lose their attention, and the trust of your canine companion. Timing is everything in this case. Whether you are training a new behavior, perfecting a known behavior, or extinguishing a behavior you don't like, you need to offer your reinforcement, whatever that may be, within seconds of your pet doing the behavior. If you have to go to the kitchen, cut up some cheese, and come back to reward your dog, the moment is lost and you'll likely just be rewarding them for following you to the kitchen! This is why I truly believe and encourage everyone I know, dog and cat owners alike, to keep treats in their pocket at all times. This means tangible reinforcement can be offered at any time, allowing you to capture and mark behaviors "in real time" versus just during training exercises. Yes, it's true, you could simply tell your pet that they did a great job, or give them a pat on the head or booty scratch, we know for a fact that pets prefer edible rewards to just verbal or physical rewards. We also know, for a fact, that they learn faster and retain more when there are food rewards. But, again, timing is everything.
Sometimes it just isn't feasible to reinforce within seconds of a behavior, so do you just throw up your hands and say, "Oh, well?" No, of course not. Instead, layer your reinforcement. Tell your pet "Yes!" to mark the behavior as something you liked or "No!" for something you didn't. Then, move toward them and either get them to repeat the behavior OR redirect them to the appropriate behavior, and hopefully by this point you are able to dig a treat out of your pocket and apply that important reinforcer, the tangible one that they will actually remember.
For those of you with anxious pets, offering food rewards is often harder than it is for your friends with their non-anxious companions. Anxiety creates a situation inside of us and our pets where eating isn't priority, survival is. You will need to get a handle on your pet's anxiety first, that way they can relax and focus on what you are teaching them, and be able to take those treats that are going to reinforce those new, less anxiety-provoking behaviors. Once again, timing is key. If your pet is anxious and you are trying to bribe or distract them with food, this isn't going to work, and in fact, it's going to slow everything down and make you seem less trustworthy. If instead you work through that anxious moment, trying redirection, moving away, or simply just being supportive until the moment passes, and then ask for a simple behavior that allows your pet to focus and reset, followed by offering a treat, you are on the right track, and your timing was perfect.
I was working with a client yesterday who was amazed by my ability to get her dog focused and redirected out in public when normally he is so distracted, pulling on the leash, darting around, and snuffling everything on the ground. It wasn't magic, folks. I simply had treats ready in my pocket, and two at the ready between my own front teeth, so that when I got her dog redirected and focused on me rather than the ground, other dogs, etc., I had the reward out of my mouth and into that dog's mouth within a couple of seconds. Timing is everything. And not being grossed out by having dog treats in your own mouth!
As always, if you have questions about your pet's behavior, you know where to find me.
Wednesday, November 6, 2024
The Benefits of Pet Ownership Revisited
There have been quite a few scientific studies of late looking at the health benefits (or lack thereof) to pet ownership and humans interacting with animals in general. For years, I've been referencing research done in the 80's that demonstrated that petting and interacting with animals lowered heart rates and respiratory rates, helped build confidence in young readers, and led to feelings of belonging and acceptance. Now, however, new studies are coming out, and being replicated, which show with statistical significance that there are no marked benefits to pet ownership or interacting with animals. This blows my mind every single time I read one of these studies. How can that even be possible?!
You guys know me. I'm a scientist at heart. I trust well thought out and executed studies with large sample sizes and replicable results. But this current vein of research is really leaving me adrift. I keep returning to a 2022 survey done by HABRI, the Human Animal Relations Research Institute in Washington D.C. that found that 74% of pet owners said owning a pet improved their mental health. In fact, 67% said their pets make them feel happy; 51% said their pets comfort them when they feel sad; 48% said their pets make them feel less lonely; 43% said their pets gave them a sense of purpose; 36% said their pets kept them more active; and 17% said their pets helped them make community connections. This was a global study reaching statistical significance due to the large sample size. But this new research seems to be pointing out that while people may feel or believe pets benefit them in this way, there is no proof in terms of health markers for any of these HABRI study results.
So, why am I telling you this? Well, I've come to a new conclusion, at least for myself. I don't really care what the new research shows! I firmly believe that having pets and interacting with animals improves the lives of humans. I've seen it with my own two eyes and experienced it myself. I don't need to have it proven in a study or in a controlled laboratory setting. I just know it in my heart. And, more importantly, I hope you know it too. Our pets are making a difference in our lives and the lives of others in our communities every single day. Whether those differences are quantifiable isn't really important. What's important is that we believe it. I will continue to do pet therapy visits and promote pet assisted therapy work with the assumption that interacting with animals on those visits improves the quality of life and health and well-being of the folks we serve in our communities. And, I will continue to have pets in my home as I find their presence comforting and supportive. I'm still a believer.
As always, if you have questions about your pet's behavior, you know where to find me.
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Holiday Mayhem
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Why Is My Dog Such a Hater?
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
Wednesday, October 9, 2024
Thinking Outside of the Box
I had a wonderful conversation with a client after her appointment was done. She actually called me from her car on her way home because she wanted to share her thoughts while they were fresh in her mind. So, why did she call? Because she appreciated my "outside of the box" approach. I laughed and thanked her for making my day, but it really got me thinking. Are my techniques, recommendations, and treatment plans really that "outside the box?" I guess for some people, they really are, while for others my approach aligns with either their own personal views or validates what their veterinarian or trusted dog trainer told them, and that works too.
I like to think of myself as progressive in my approach to animal behavior. I certainly remember what I learned in college and graduate school, but I think what I've learned on the job all these years has influenced my approach more than anything else. Knowing that what works for one animal might not work for another, meaning you can't just apply the same techniques to every anxious dog, for example, and expect the same outcome. Every animal is unique and while they may present as anxious, how they got there in the first place is their own journey and what I'm left to figure out in order to help them AND help their human caretaker.
As the years have gone by, I've really begun to dread the misinformation spread on the internet and through social media. While this misinformation certainly extends beyond the realm of animals and their behavior, I'm going to limit my comments to that. Whether you are searching for answers, help, or validation, know the sources you are using. Asking your veterinarian beats Google every time. And asking a behaviorist is better than Reddit, hands down.
And if you want to know where I go to continue my educational journey, I read. I read A LOT. I'm currently reading Zazie Todd's newest book, "Bark! The Science of Helping Your Anxious, Fearful or Reactive Dog." It's terrific and will be one I recommend to dog owners just starting their journey with an anxious or fearful dog. And for those of you who have been managing your fearful, anxious, or reactive dog for years, you'll still enjoy this book as it will validate that you've been doing all of the right things to enhance your dog's quality of life.
So, I'm going to continue thinking "outside of the box" for a few more years, at least. I'll eventually retire, probably devoting more of my time to writing, gardening, and everything collie. But in the meantime, my quest for new ways to help you help your pets remains my purpose.
And, as always, if you have questions about your pet's behavior, you know where to find me.
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
The Magic Pill!
It's happened too many times to count. A client reaches out for help with their pet, asking for a recommendation to a medication that will "make the situation better," "cure the aggression," or "make their dog like other dogs/people." I always refer to this as the "magic pill." A lot of people look for magic pills for themselves (to help with weight loss, increase their energy, etc.) and they definitely look for them for their beloved pets. The problem, however, is the same; there are no magic pills, at least none that I've found yet. While cannabinoids (CBD) help some pets (and people), others remained unaffected by them. And while it's certainly true that anxiolytic medications like Prozac, for example, can be helpful for some people and pets, it isn't a miracle cure. Work still needs to be done on behavior modification, including counterconditioning, increasing mental stimulation, and avoiding the triggers that lead to the anxiety and aggression. Oftentimes, pet owners don't really want to put in the work that is necessary to make drug therapy an effective, adjunct means of helping their pet overcome their anxiety; they just want the pet to "be better" or "do better." And sometimes they want their pet to be something that it really isn't: sociable, approachable, friendly with everyone, and normal, whatever normal really is.
We've talked about this before: you have to love the dog you're with, not the dog you thought you were getting. Every dog has a unique personality as a result of their genetics, early environmental factors, and socialization experiences. No single factor creates an anxious dog; for most dogs with anxiety, there was a genetic predisposition and then repeated exposure to triggers exacerbated the problem. For example, that shy puppy you picked from the litter because he was calm and quiet? Remember when you took him to puppy class and he freaked out, squealing if anyone walked toward him? Remember when he hid during class and wouldn't let the instructor or anyone else touch him? And then when you took him to the vet, he tried to hide again and snapped when he was pulled out from under the bench? Well, that puppy was always going to be an anxious dog. He was oddly reserved at 8 weeks old when he was chosen, he was painfully introverted and fearful around other dogs and people at class, and he displayed fear aggression with the vet. No amount of socializing is going to make this dog into something he's not. And giving him Prozac alone, without adding in mental stimulation and appropriate physical exercise, isn't going to solve the problem either. This puppy will need life-long management, and drug therapy more than likely, to have a good quality of life. His owners will need to protect him from his triggers as best as they can, not push him when he's uncomfortable, and keep guests in their home safe. He isn't going to be a park dog, beach dog, or out for lunch companion. He will likely need to learn cooperative care and be muzzle trained for safety at the groomer and at the vet's office.
For me, I like to think of the magic in these situations as coming from the owners themselves. Some pet owners just get it; maybe they too, have anxiety, or they have a family member with anxiety. They know what it will take to make that pet feel safe, loved, and comfortable; they also know what will trigger their pets and they avoid those triggers as best as they can. They don't ask for a magic pill to make it all better; they ask if there is something they can give their pet that will help with their quality of life. They are willing and able to put in the work and admit that while this isn't the dog they signed up for, they love him nonetheless.
As always, if you have questions about your pet's behavior, you know where to find me.
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Why Did He Do That?!
I was out with my buddy, Loki, last Saturday. It was a beautiful morning, actually on the cooler side which was a nice change from the crazy hot weather we've been having. At one point Loki sniffed the air, then he dropped and began rolling around on the wet grass, smiling ear to ear, and really enjoying himself. A woman pushing a stroller walked by us and then stopped, apparently because she couldn't figure out why I was letting Loki just roll around. She actually asked me, "Why in the world is your dog rolling around like that?! Is he okay?!" Clearly not a dog owner, amiright? She asked if he was having a seizure! That quite literally cracked me up. No, I told her. He's not having a seizure. He's having a moment of joy! The grass is wet and it feels good to roll around. Plus, Loki knows if he grins my direction while rolling, I'll lean down and scratch his tummy and armpits, his favorite thing in the world. She still looked perplexed as she walked away, shaking her head, but that's okay. Dogs aren't for everybody! And here's the truth of the matter: Dogs roll around for many reasons beyond the joy of wet grass.
Dogs roll on the ground because their world is based in scents. A dog who's just been bathed/groomed will roll around (if allowed to) drying himself off in the process. Some dogs roll around post grooming, even if they are dry, as they are trying to get rid of the "clean dog smell" in favor of something more earthy and "normal," or familiar, from their perspective. Dogs will roll in mud or damp leaves to cool off. They'll roll in smelly things like seaweed, horse manure, and cow patties for the joy of smelling like those delightfully stinky things. They may also be doing so to disguise their own scent. So, rolling dries them, cools them, gets rid of a smell, adds a new smell, and of course, brings them joy.
And then, there are the dogs like Henley. Henley rolls on his back to scratch. He has a lot of allergies (it's why I bathe him twice a week!), but rolling on his back allows him to scratch spots he can't reach. And Ozzie? He rolls around, mostly rubbing his face, as he likes to clean up his mouth post water or food that way. So my two dogs are rolling around as some kind of individualized grooming ritual. It's interesting to me that after Ozzie has done this face cleaning, or Henley has scratched his back by rolling on the rug, each of them will go to that spot, drop down for a deep sniff, and often paw that spot. Clearly, rolling around like that has left the other dog's scent behind and they know it!
I really do enjoy watching dogs do, well, just what dogs do. And it is kind of fun when you meet someone who isn't a dog person as their perception of what us dog owners see everyday is quite different. Just for fun, share why your dogs roll around or if they even might be the ones sleeping on their backs, all four feet up in the air!
And as always, if you have questions about your pet's behavior, you know where to find me.
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Why Can't We Be Friends?
I just met yesterday with a lovely young couple who recently moved to San Francisco from the Midwest. They had chosen San Francisco because they had read online about it being one of the most dog-friendly cities in California and they were eager to be able to take their adolescent Boston Terrier more places with them. They were also hoping that they'd be able to find him a few playmates, whose owners they might like too, since they don't really know many people here yet other than their coworkers, and those are all virtual! So far, however, it's been a total bust; either their dog didn't like the other dogs they've met, or my clients didn't like the dogs' humans! They'd met with their new veterinarian to update their dog's vaccines and that's how they'd heard about me and reached out for help.
This was such an interesting appointment! I wasn't there because their dog had any specific behavioral issues; he didn't even really have any training issues. I was there to help this couple and their dog find some social opportunities here in the Bay Area that would get them off to a great start.
We took their dog for a walk so I could observe him (and them) out in public. I made suggestions about where to walk and explore, including places other clients regularly use and love like Fort Funston, Strawberry Hill, the Presidio, and Dolores Park. I did tell them that they would need to visit these places several times, and on different days, to get a feel for the areas and the dog owners that use them. While Fort Funston is an off leash dog haven, dogs are primarily on leash at Strawberry Hill and Dolores Park. I told them that they should really think about their ultimate goal; was it truly to find their dog a dog friend, or was it for them to find like-minded, dog-owning humans to hang out with? These are not necessarily the same thing. They could send their dog to doggie daycare to make friends and socialize with other dogs, BUT if they really wanted to make friends themselves, then they were going to have to get out a lot more than they've been doing. On a recommendation from my daughter, I even suggested that they try online groups like MeetUp and Bumble BFF to find couple friends with similar interests. They'd never even thought of that!
I agree that it can be harder to make new friends when you first move to a new area, but while it may seem overwhelming, it's really not. You just have to put yourself out there and be okay with not every connection working out. Finally, I suggested they consider volunteering with Furry Friends, the pet assisted therapy group I work with, given that they are both very interested in volunteerism AND their dog loves meeting new people. Through an organization like Furry Friends, I know this couple will definitely connect with other like-minded dog owners, including many who live outside of San Francisco, thus expanding where they cast their net for new friends and new connections.
We can't make our dogs like certain other dogs, or even certain people. And our dogs may like people or other dogs that we ourselves don't. That's just how it works! You can't force a dog to like who you like, though you can hedge your bets by including good treats and a lot of positive reinforcement on those first meetings in the hopes of making a great first impression.
As always, if you have questions about your pet's behavior, you know where to find me.
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
If You Just Need a Plan!
I worked with a wonderful client over the weekend who told me that she just needed a training plan for her new dog. She likened it to the workout program her personal trainer gave her for getting back into shape. She said what she really wanted, and hoped I could provide, was a simple outline of what she should be doing everyday with her dog to make sure he was headed in the right direction. She indicated, too, that she'd tried to find simple guidelines like this online, but ended up down a rabbit hole of suggestions and exercises, some of which she was pretty sure weren't good for her dog! So, when I told her she really just needed to put in about 5-10 minutes a day to reach her goals for her dog, she was ecstatic! This was something she could commit to and she took out a notebook to write down the plan. Here's what I told her:
1. Work everyday on the important behaviors you need your dog to reliably do. Run through them quickly and efficiently, kind of like stretching before you go for a run. Then spend the remainder of your training with your dog working on a new/fun skill/behavior.
2. The basic behaviors I think every dog should be able to do reliably: sit, down, stay, stand, come, drop it, leave it, and walk nicely on leash. My client's dog had reliable sits and downs, but that was about it. So, we worked together on luring him into the other behaviors. I showed her how to turn leave it and drop it into a game so her dog would be more likely to comply rather than resist giving up treasured things he finds. And for the loose leash walking, I told her to work indoors, sans leash, luring her dog using treats and her voice FIRST, before moving outdoors with a leash and trying the same techniques.
3. The list of behaviors I gave her for adding in fun/new skills: touch, bow, turn, through, back it up, sit up, dance, spin, speak, whisper, flop, and roll over. I then had Henley demonstrate each of those skills for her! He did each skill twice, once for her to observe, and once for her to see how I got the behavior in the first place.
4. Don't get frustrated! Rome wasn't built in a day, as my grandmother used to say. It might take her dog weeks to get through just the basics and that's absolutely okay! But, even if he's still struggling with the basics, she should introduce something new and fun every day to try, learning how to keep his brain engaged and keep herself motivated.
5. Always end on a positive note. Regardless of how that 5-10 minute session went, always end the session with something easy or fun that your dog will be 100% successful doing, even if it's "just a sit." Because, you know what? A dog who can sit still, even for just a few seconds, has potential and that should be rewarded and celebrated!
We will be meeting again in two weeks to check her progress. She referred to that as accountability for herself! In the meantime, she's going to send me video progress reports which should be fun for us both.
As always, if you have questions about your pet's behavior, you know where to find me.
Wednesday, September 4, 2024
An Ode To Those Gutted Stuffy-Fluffies!
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
A Bit More on Reactivity
I have had so many new clients approach me for help with their "reactive" dogs. I find this interesting because using that terminology to describe a dog's behavior really wasn't a thing until just a few years ago. Now, however, I hear it batted around and used quite frequently to describe dogs who do everything from bark at the TV to biting the neighbor! It seems that many owners with aggressive dogs prefer to use the term reactive, thinking that this will make the problem seem less serious. This is troubling because an aggressive dog has a very different problem than a dog whose barking has become an issue.
By definition, reactive just means responding to a stimulus or acting in response to a situation. Well, you know what? We all do that. The doorbell rings and you jump up and answer the door. Are you reactive? Yes, because you acted upon a stimulus you received. Now, I'm not trying to be difficult here; I simply want everyone, dog owners included, to think about the words they use to describe behavior. If your dog is afraid of sounds, then he's noise sensitive. If your dog barks at the neighbor's dog at their shared fence line, then he's territorial. If your dog charges at guests, biting at their pants leg, then your dog is aggressive. And yet, all three of the dogs I just described came to me with the label "reactive." I do want to help all three of these dogs, but helping them means helping you, and you can help me by telling me what's really going on. I'm not going to judge your dog parenting skills, I just need to know exactly what's happening. Was is really a nip? Or was it a bite? Is the barking just at the fence, or is your dog barking at the TV, your kids running in the yard, and on walks? And those noises that set your dog off; are they barking dogs on the TV screen, the garbage trucks in your neighborhood, or the sound of your ice maker? All of these details are important for diagnosis and treatment, and way more important that any labels.
So, while I agree that noise sensitive dogs, barking dogs, and aggressive dogs are all anxious dogs at the heart of the matter, I don't think calling them reactive helps at all. All of these dogs have the capacity to learn a different behavioral response to their triggers. Getting frustrated and labeling them disobedient or stubborn won't help either. What they are is anxious and their anxiety is keeping them from hearing you.
OK. Hopping down off of my soap box now and calling back that dog owner that left me a message this morning about their reactive dog. I know one thing for sure, their dog is anxious. Now, I just need to figure out if he's afraid, obsessive, lacking physical or mental exercise, or aggressive. Or some combination of all of those things. But, you know me. I'm on it!
As always, if you have questions about your pet's behavior, you know where to find me.