Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Teaching An Old Dog New Tricks!

Well, if you follow me on Facebook or Instagram, then you already know that I have begun taking herding lessons with Ozzie, my 3 year old Rough Collie.  Ozzie is an 11th generation direct descendant of the original Lassie, and thus a real working dog...of the Hollywood variety...lol.  Ozzie likes to work, and then he likes to take breaks in his trailer, aka the back of my SUV with the door up, where he can watch everyone else work.  He's such a hoot.

All kidding aside, it really is a pleasure to work with my dog and have someone else be in charge.  We love our instructor; Trish Wamsat has been my friend for 20 years.  I am grateful to have her in my life, and even more grateful to have her as our herding instructor.  She is patient with us both, but she does spur us along.  That's what makes a good instructor.  Someone said to me, "Oh, it must be hard for you to take classes from someone else. And even harder for someone else to be your teacher!"  This really made my smile.  I LOVE learning, whether it's from clients and their animals, things that I read, a family member, or even one of my kids.  I think we should never tire of learning and always be open to the process.  I can't speak for Trish, but I do hope that having us in her class is not too painful!

I'll be the first to admit it. Ozzie is much better at herding than me.  That dog has the moves of a natural. Me? Not so much.  I am learning what it means to trust my dog, but still keep my eyes on him; to ask him to do behaviors without him actually looking at me; to use my voice in a commanding, but still nice way; to turn my back toward the sheep, while still watching them so that I don't get trampled; and most importantly, know where I want those sheep to go!  More than once, I found myself simply observing.  Watching the dog, watching the sheep, but not actively being the shepherd.  Trish laughed at me (with me?!) and reminded me that I have to actually have a plan. I can't just be an observer, I have to be part of the job.  It's a dance.  Shepherd, sheep, and dog.  Ozzie is a great partner. I just need to learn how to lead without stepping on his feet or losing track of the beat.

I am looking forward to our next herding lesson already.  I love running around with my dog, having sheep nuzzle my fingers, and the sun shine on our heads.  To be able to spend this quality time with Ozzie is truly a pleasure. To spend time with  and learn from a dear friend at the same time is priceless.

For more information on herding lessons for all experience levels, visit Trish's website at www.homeschooledhounds.com.

Ozzie in his "trailer" during herding lessons


  1. I feel the same as you, Mack is great, me not so much. Trish does a great job at helping you with that dance of shepherd, sheep and dog.

  2. It really is humbling. Our dogs are so amazing. Thank goodness for our amazing instructor!
