Wednesday, October 5, 2022

When Time Isn't On Your Side

I met with a client over the weekend who is feeling quite desperate.  She has two dogs, both with fairly significant behavior problems.  She's been working with a dog trainer on and off for over 6 months, but she doesn't feel that they are making any headway, beyond basic obedience skills.  She's feeling a lot of pressure to do something (maybe even return one of the dogs to the breeder) because she has family coming to stay in both November and December and her dogs aren't going to do well with new people in their home. Her veterinarian suggested working with me as the issues she's having aren't about obedience per se, but about anxiety.

Animals, just like people, experience anxiety.  Some animals are more anxious than others, whether due to genetics, experience, or a combination of the two. Anxiety cannot be erased, but it can be managed, if you know what triggers your pet's anxiety and make changes to reduce or remove those triggers.  Some of the pets I see have multiple triggers and experience anxiety even when home alone with their owners.  For these pets, therapeutic intervention in the form of daily medication is often needed to control serotonin levels in their brains, promoting a more stabilized mood and thus less anxiety overall.

As you may have already guessed, treating anxiety in our pets isn't about short term solutions or quick fixes, but about making those long term changes that will result in a more content and stable animal as a result.  Some of those changes may be difficult for the humans involved; some may even be impossible to do.  You still need to consider those changes, however, in order to understand what it will take to keep that animal safe and improve their quality of life.  Let me give you an example.

If your dog is anxious about meeting new people, hiding behind you perhaps, or maybe even blustering and barking and rearing up when approached by anyone he doesn't know, then it's up to you to control those encounters with new people, even minimizing them so that the fearful/anxious behavior doesn't get continually repeated and thus reinforced. If it's just occurring on walks, you can change when and where you walk, while working on strategies that increase your dog's confidence.  If, however, that stranger anxiety occurs in your home when guests visit, then you will obviously have to make some significant changes in order to keep your dog safe and under threshold when you have visitors.  If those visitors are coming next month and planning to stay at your house, then you may need to either ask those guests to stay elsewhere, board your dog (if possible), etc.  What you don't want to do is "wing it," assuming that you can just put your dog in another room or crate him with the guests there.  That might work as a short term solution for guests coming for a 3 hour party, but it most certainly isn't going to work, and will likely create more anxiety for your dog, if you try to do that while guests stay with you for a week.  

Anxiety will take longer than a month to get a handle on.  And it isn't going to go away just because your veterinarian prescribed Prozac for your dog.  Prozac and other medications of that kind are supportive, not curative. Treating anxiety takes work and an understanding that there will be setbacks along the way.  You have to remain compassionate (and retain your sense of humor) and be persistent in your pursuit of relief for your anxious dog. I find it helpful to give my clients an action list of things they can do right now, things they can do preemptively to help reduce anxiety in the future, and goals to work toward. That way, they have more realistic expectations for what it will take to help their pet going forward.

I do understand that treating a pet for anxiety isn't easy and that it can be frustrating.  I cannot, however, make the process go any quicker for you and your pet.  If it is the case that you simply cannot provide the time and care needed to treat your pet's anxiety, that's okay!  This doesn't make you a failure, a horrible person, or selfish. It just means you aren't equipped to take on a pet with extra needs.  The time to decide that, however, is not the week before you have guests coming to stay with you.  Re-homing a pet, particularly one with anxiety, takes time to find a good match, that is one that won't cause your pet added stress and anxiety.

We humans can be so hard on each other, judging each other harshly, whether that's about our own coping abilities and handling of daily stressors, or that of our beloved pets.  Until you've lived with, cared for, or yourself had to manage anxiety in a loved one (furred or otherwise), you really need to refrain from offering platitudes and quick fixes.  Ask how you can help.  That's what I do.

As always, if you have questions about your pet's behavior, you know where to find me.

My granddog, Westley, is a pretty happy dog most of the time, but he does suffer from situational anxiety.  He has noise sensitivities and he will anticipate stressors (like garbage trucks coming even though it isn't garbage day) which can cause him to be anxious in the absence of an obvious stressor.  Consequently, Westley takes a tincture of CBD made for dogs on days when his anxiety cannot be adequately managed with mental and physical exercise alone. Westley is not alone in being a dog with noise sensitivities. I meet them all the time!

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