Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Coaches, Cheerleaders, and Advocates!

I worked with a couple of different clients this week who told me I was better than any coach they'd ever had.  I got such a kick out of this as I've never really thought of myself as a coach, per se.  I'm more of a cheerleader, rooting my clients on to make the best of their relationships with their pets.  And I'm definitely an animal advocate, educating people on the science behind the behavior, why animals behave the way they do, and how we can improve their lives.  But a coach?  How cool is that! It got me to thinking about what it takes to be an effective coach, and I realized that the most effective coaches I know provide solid guidance while also being cheerleaders and advocates for their students.  

It's true; a lot of what I do is educate pet owners.  Yes, I work with their pets directly, and I'm certainly hands on, where appropriate, but most of what I do is teaching people.  These two clients loved that I gently guided them and then cheered them on as they gained confidence and made breakthroughs in working with their anxious pets. Here's the thing:  I love cheering folks on.  I love to see their faces light up when they get reinforced too.  Maybe I should start carrying people treats in my pocket as well as those dog treats.  You see, people need reinforcement just as much as their pets do.  They need to know what they are doing is the right thing; that they are helping their animals become less anxious; that they are providing the best experiences and enrichment activities that will enhance their relationships with their pets. 

Sure, there have been times when I've wanted to holler "ACK!  You're doing it all wrong!" But that kind of response/reinforcement (punishment is reinforcement, after all, just not the kind any of us enjoy) isn't going to help my clients or their pets, though it might make me feel better in the moment.  Pet owners come to me for guidance on serious behavior problems.  Most of them have already beaten themselves up pretty bad over what is going on, feeling like they must have done something wrong to end up in this spot.  A lot have even had friends and family tell them that they "screwed up."  Not helpful, to say the least.  No wonder these folks need a coach! 

So, I'm going to continue to get excited when my clients use the techniques and tools I've given them. I'm going to continue to cheer them on in their pursuit of harmony in their home.  And I'm definitely going to continue to use science and rock solid methodologies in the treatment of behavior problems so I can continue to advocate on behalf of those who have no voice, but rely on us to help them...our pets.

As always, if you have questions about your pet's behavior, you know where to find me.

My collie team waiting for their "coach" to give them their next "play!" 

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