Wednesday, December 22, 2021

It's the Most Wonderful (Stressful!) Time of Year!

I love the holidays.  I love the smell of a fresh Christmas tree, the aroma of my cranberry kitchen candle burning, sugar cookies fresh from the oven, and having everyone home for Christmas.  What I don't love is the stress!  Ozzie has always been my mirror, reflecting back at me my moods, feelings, and frustrations.  He feels the holiday stress as much as I do.  Because of this, I make a concerted effort to work on my stress and his through mindful activities together.  If you are feeling a bit overwhelmed as well, maybe these tips could help you too!

1.  Take a walk. Ozzie and I walk every day, rain or shine. Our holiday season walks are a necessity for our sanity.  We love to walk really early in the morning when there's hardly anyone else out there.  We look at the sky together, Ozzie sniffs and stalks squirrels, and he will bump me with his head and grin whenever he feels particularly light-hearted.  I treasure our morning walks; and if Desi is up for walking in the morning too, having him along just adds to our pleasure.

2.  Stop Moving.  This is a hard one for me, but I make sure to do it anyway. I just stop, sit down on the floor or a dog bed, and do absolutely nothing except pet a dog.  No phone, no TV, not even a book.  Just a girl and a couple of collies breathing in and out.

3.  Nourish your body.  We love apples.  I'll slice an apple and share it with Ozzie and he'll happily crunch away on it, waiting for more.  His crunching sounds make me smile.  Apples are good for us both in more ways than one.

4.  Treat yourself.  Anyone who knows me, knows I love to bake. I find it stress-reducing, and having that delicious reward at the end is gratifying.  I especially like to bake things that can be shared with Ozzie and Desi.

5.  Prioritize.  This is really hard for me, but it's something easily learned from a dog.  They don't worry about what others think of them for taking a nap, taking a break, playing, or just doing nothing.  Prioritize what really needs to happen and what can wait or be skipped altogether.

6.  Soothe your soul.  Whether it's music, a massage, a soak in a hot tub, or all three, schedule some daily relaxation for yourself.  While you're at it, treat your pets to some T-Touch so that their sore muscles, aches, and pains can find some much needed relief on these cold, winter days too.

Finally, it's okay to feel grumpy, grouchy, and less than festive.  And if it's your dog who is feeling a bit like the Grinch, that's okay too.  Give them the space they need to recharge; put them in their crate with a frozen Kong, or in another room with a bully stick or bone to chew on.  A little peace and quiet (and something hard to gnaw on!) will have them back to their usual selves in no time.  And remember, not every human or animal is an extrovert.  Give those introverts space and an out when they need it.  

I hope all of you have a wonderful holiday, one that serves you and brings you joy.  As always, if you have questions about your pet's behavior, you know where to find me. I'm over here, sitting on a dog bed, sharing a snack with a couple of collies who stayed on Santa's good list all year long!

Desi is always a good boy, despite what the pillow says!

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