Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Rain Rain Go Away!

While I am feeling grateful for all the rain we've been getting over the last couple of weeks here in Northern California, I am getting tired of it.  I know I'm not alone in feelings of being overwhelmed by the weather we are experiencing here in the US this winter.  My friends in the Midwest and on the east coast are getting hammered with freezing temperatures and snow, and even my friends in Tennessee and Florida have had crazy weather this winter.  Stir crazy humans makes for stir crazy pets and while you might just want to curl up with a bowl of popcorn and a good book, your dogs and cats are going to need more than that to make them feel content.

I know I've talked about puzzles many times for dogs and cats and getting those out and rotating them daily is key.  Change up the puzzles AND the treats you use so that interest remains high.  Novelty is the key, but that doesn't have to break the bank.  Amazon boxes, shoe boxes, egg cartons, and paper towel tubes can all be used like puzzles for solving.  And if you're really creative with a drill and have some PVC pipe laying around, drill holes in the plastic PVC pipe for your pets to dig and lick to get treats out of.  Remember too that something as simple as a braided rope toy can be changed up by soaking it in low sodium chicken broth and then freezing it.  Dig out old muffin tins and cookie sheets, smear them lightly with nut butter and stick treats or kibble on them, then freeze.  In a pinch, a frozen Kong is better than nothing at all, as are bullsticks and bones.

For cats and dogs with a high prey/chase drive, dig out the wand toys, R/C cars, and ripple rugs. Crinkled paper, balls with bells, and even catnip can entertain some of your feline friends.  And if you are stuck indoors with a puppy, set up an exercise pen and create a jungle gym for the pen using PVC pipe that you can hang toys and items off of.  For the ground in the pen, vary the flooring. You can put bubble wrap down under a towel, cardboard stacked up to work on balance, and indoor/outdoor turf to hide kibble or treats in.  Add a small children's tunnel for exploring and boxes for climbing on and in.  

If your pets are going stir crazy from a lack of outdoor exercise, consider a treadmill. There are several manufacturers on the market, creating exercise wheels that are safe for cats and treadmills that are safe for dogs of all sizes. 

Finally, don't forget to groom your pets regularly during inclement weather. You need to remove the loose hair, dirt, and dead skin cells as then accumulate, particularly on pets who are spending a lot of times indoors where it is heated.  Their coats will dry faster if they get wet and be able to thermoregulate better when their coats and skin are in top condition.  Be sure and clip the hair/fur on feet and between toys to keep dirt, debris, and snow from accumulating there.  Obviously, raincoats and boots can help protect your pets on walks in rain, snow, etc.  Just know that training a dog to wear boots takes some time and patience!

Hang in there everyone.  Stay safe. Keep your brains and those of your pets exercised so that you can contentedly enjoy that book or TV program. And, as always, if you have questions about your pet's behavior, you know where to find me.

Ozzie and Westley happily wear their raincoats meaning less dog area 
to be dried off when they return home after their walks!

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