Friday, April 27, 2018

The Perfect Thing About Puppies

Puppies.  OMG.  Their breath is tantalizing.  Their fur is so soft.  They make THE cutest noises.  They are joyous about the simplest things: a toy, a treat, a piece of lint, your hand.  And regardless of breed, a puppy is the one time in your dog's life when you will be able to pick them up and squeeze them. I just love puppies.

Of late, I've had the pleasure of evaluating several puppies, of different breeds, for people looking for their next canine family member, or insuring that the puppy they brought home was a good choice. I have a 16-point test I conduct on the puppy to determine their temperament, personality, and style of learning.  Kind of sounds like one of those 16-point inspections they do on your car when you have it serviced, but trust me, this is even better!  Once I have determined how a puppy learns and the way he thinks, I can better advise the owner on everything from choosing classes, picking a collar/harness, to how to crate train, etc.

Puppy appointments are satisfying all the way around.  New puppy owners feel relief as I leave them with a game plan on how to proceed effectively. Puppies enjoy them because I am helping their owners better understand their needs. And me? Well, I get to play with puppies which is enjoyable any day of the week.

Consequently, I have discovered a new niche for myself. Many of the families I work with are too busy to really get what they need from puppy classes.  Many have kids with schedules that conflict with class times, so they end up missing classes and getting frustrated.  They still want to do the right thing for their puppies, they just need a different option.  That's where I come in.  Through a combination of in-home instruction, guided field trips, and supervised socialization experiences, I can help these new puppy owners and their pups get what they need outside of a traditional classroom setting. Don't get me wrong...I still LOVE puppy classes. I think they are THE best place for a puppy to socialize with other puppies, meet new people, and explore their world safely. However, I do think that there needs to be an alternative for people who can't attend those classes, and I am happy to provide that.

Adding these puppy appointments into my work schedule has become my new happy place.  Plus, seeing these puppies thrive is so gratifying. And the relief and appreciation from their families is immeasurably satisfying.  So, bring on the puppies. The doctor is in!

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