Wednesday, May 22, 2024

My Pupsicle Recipe!

A dear friend reached out and asked if I would share my pupsicle recipes again.  She knows I make pupsicles (dog-friendly hot weather treats) for my dogs every summer, and given the hot weather we're starting to have here in the San Francisco Bay Area, she wanted to get a jump on making some for her sweet dogs.  Pupsicles are refreshing for your dog, as well as being mentally stimulating.  With healthy ingredients, these can be given to your dogs frequently without feeling guilty. 

You will want to start with basic popsicle molds.  You can purchase silicon molds, if you like, then you won't need edible "handles" for your frozen dog treats.  I myself have the old-fashioned popsicle molds from when my kids were little, so I just use those! If you have those style too, you will be substituting a piece of bully stick or jerky for the popsicle stick handle making it dog friendly AND easier to get out of the molds.  Pour liquid yogurt or kefir into the molds and add frozen blueberries, strawberries or bananas for texture.  Carefully insert the bully stick or jerky into the filled molds and then put the molds into your freezer to harden.  For a savory pupsicle, use bone broth or low sodium chicken broth, adding diced carrots or zucchini for texture.  Don't forget to add those bully sticks or jerky sticks so you'll be able to get the pupsicles out once they've frozen! Both versions are definitely treats for your dogs to consume outdoors as they are messy, but worth it.

And, as always, if you have any questions about your pet's behavior, you know where to find me.

Ozzie enjoying a sweet pupsicle, made with liquid strawberry yogurt, 
blueberries and, his favorite, fresh strawberries!

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