Thursday, November 16, 2017

Holiday Mayhem!

I don't know about you, but I just came to the realization this week that the holidays are creeping up on us fast! Thanksgiving is just a week away, Hanukkah is in a month, and Christmas is two weeks after that. Are you ready? I'm not just talking about the planning of food for events, purchasing gifts, holiday cards, etc. I'm talking about preparing your pets. Are they ready for this? There will be changes to their daily schedules, re-arranged furniture, an increased number and variety of visitors to your home, perhaps some rambunctious kids even, and there will definitely be some amazing food involved. If we add in the physical hazards of the season as well such as strings of lights, candles, tinsel, holiday plants, etc. you can see why I am already worried!

Pets exhibit their stress in several ways. They may become overly hyper, barking excessively, jumping up on people and furniture, and getting into everything. However, some pets become more withdrawn, hiding under beds or in closets, refusing to eat, and wishing that all the commotion was over with. Often our pets respond differently during the holidays because we ourselves are acting differently. From November through January, our routines change, reflecting our holiday commitments, and turning our pets' worlds upside down.

While not always easy, we should all try to maintain our pets' usual routines as much as possible. Focus on feeding and walking them at the same times, checking the water bowl frequently, make sure litter boxes are clean, and most importantly make sure that we have provided quiet places of refuge for our pets to retreat if they need to escape the craziness of the season.

The holidays can definitely be hectic, but they really are a wonderful time to reconnect with family and friends. Don't forget to spend quality time with your pets as well, and do keep in mind how stress-reducing their company can be. Just spending time with your pets reduces your blood pressure (and theirs), improves your moods, and and enhances each other's well-being. Now, what could be a greater holiday gift than that?

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