Thursday, April 13, 2017

Selecting Your Next Canine Companion!

One of my favorite services for clients is helping them choose their next canine companion. I have a comprehensive questionnaire that I give to all family members and utilize their answers to determine the best breeds to fit their needs. Occasionally, I have even found that particular families are better suited to a stuffed dog or battery-operated toy dog as their expectations and desires for a dog don't fit with real dog ownership! It is a fun process....often the breeds that work best for people are breeds that they hadn't even considered. Designer dogs, lists of popular dog breeds, dogs represented in commercials and marketing frequently skew the mindset of prospective dog owners. It is always important to keep an open mind and understand that while you LOVE Border Collies, you may not be able to actually LIVE with one. In addition, people often don't think about the less obvious differences between choosing a male or female dog. Or the benefits of choosing an adult dog over a puppy. These are all issues I address and help families to sort out BEFORE they commit to the addition of a new family member.

How did you choose your dog? Did you choose based on his/her breed? Did you choose to acquire a dog through rescue? Was your dog a puppy or an adult when you got him/her?

And if you are looking to add a pet to your home, let me know. I'd be happy to help you find a good fit using a more scientific approach to that very important decision.


  1. My first dog had to meet 4 criteria: adult, short hair, medium size & female.
    My second dog had an additional one: therapy dog suitable.
    My current one also had to be able to deal with my physical impairments.
    Oh yeah ... she also had to be cute! Guess I'm like everyone else on the planet 😜

  2. It's always interesting how each of our "next dogs" has more requirements. As we get older/more experienced, our needs and desires in terms of canine companionship can change. Why it is always important to assess the current situation when choosing someone's next dog <3
